Story Telling in the Web3 Era
Value created will be owned by creator and community
Essential Web3 tools to empower story writers. Writing a story is like building a startup. Valuation of the story IP is built through great story telling. Values captured shall be owned by creator & its community, all through smart contracts. How?
Stories are the foundation of great IP assets
Yuval Noah Harari“This human ability to tell stories is what differentiates us from other animals and led to the success of our species”
From Mickey to Marvel, the huge value of IP assets has been proven through the success of Disney. Most great IPs are built upon great stories. Stories are told through text, comics, movies or any other mediums.
How StoryFi empowers creator?
StoryFi team & its community is building essential Web3 tools to empower story creators. The following are some of the tools being built. The team & community will continue to build full suite of toolkits focusing on empowering story telling in the Web3 era.
Fair distribution of values created by story IPs
The distribution of IP values is complicated in the existing market, involving a lot of tough to understand legal processes.
With Web3 technologies built on blockchains, governance of the IP assets, can be done more efficiently. Values can be distributed fairly through preset smart contracts automatically.
Story creators no longer need to go through lots of hassels to protect the IP assets created. Readers who love the story could be member of the DAO and help in building the story as well as promoting the story to maximize its values.
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